Press releases

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Officers re-elected to serve another term in 2023/5 at Flexible Packaging Europe

At its summer conference, held this year in Thessaloniki, the members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) re-elected Jakob A. Mosser to the Chair. He was first elected in 2020. Also continuing their terms of office are Vice-Chairs Michele Guala and Michael Zacka.

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Whilst Flexible packaging material prices ease from recent highs, they remain well above 2020 levels

Following the first signs of cooling prices for flexible packaging materials seen at the end of 2022, the first quarter of 2023 saw a drop across the basket of materials, with only aluminium foil ticking up further (from 179% to 187% v Q4 2020)* due to higher conversion costs.

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Last quarter of 2022 sees only slight relief in prices for flexible packaging materials

The last three months of 2022 saw declines in the price of some flexible packaging materials, as demand stabilised amid continued uncertainty about the global economic outlook and energy costs. After the peaks mid of 2022, most substrate prices registered single digit declines, according to figures released recently by Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE).

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Raw Material prices for flexible packaging in Q3 remain high

Following two quarters of surging prices in the first half of 2022, flexible packaging raw material prices stabilised in Q3, although energy prices have increased significantly across the region. According to Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) growing economic uncertainty has affected demand from both converters and end users as consumers are being more cautious due to high inflationary pressures across a range of packaged goods.

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FPE expresses concern about potential gas shortage and supply allocations

The members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) welcome the consideration of the agri-food supply chain as “societally-critical” in the “Save Gas for a Safe Winter” initiative by the EU Commission and its Member States. Packaging is an integral part of this chain as recently outlined by Copa-Cogeca, Primary Food Processors, and FoodDrinkEurope. Other “societally-critical” value chains, such as the pharmaceutical and medical sectors, also rely on flexible packaging to ensure patients can access those products.

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Flexible Packaging experts meet for 1st "Inno-Meeting Europe"

Supported by Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE), Innoform Coaching organises the first “Inno-Meeting Europe” which will take place in Berlin on 6/7 October 2022. The focus will be on “Flexpack & Climate Change” and the conference language is English. This industry get-together for the flexible packaging and food industry is intended to take place on an annual basis as part of the Inno-Talk concept. Speakers from Europe will discuss and present insights, products and innovations for the entire food packaging sector with a focus on flexible packaging.

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