Press releases

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Soaring energy costs add more pressure on flexible material prices

The prices of materials often used for flexible packaging continued to accelerate in the final quarter of 2021, due mainly to the spike in energy costs, which began to increase dramatically after August, according to Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE). On-going shortages of some raw materials and supply chain disruption also continue to have an impact on availability and costs.

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Cross industry position paper of flexible packaging value chain

Several organisations representing the flexible packaging value chain in Europe call upon European legislators to provide a progressive and forward-looking definition of packaging recyclability, befitting of a circular economy for all categories of packaging formats and materials.

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Disrupted supply chains and increasing costs continue to challenge flexible packaging production

Raw material price inflation continues to have a major impact for the flexible packaging industry, although the rate of increase eased slightly in Q3 compared with the unprecedented levels seen in the previous three months.

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Continuous raw material supply difficulties of great concern to European Flexible Packaging manufacturers

The continuous difficulties of raw materials supply are creating a potential risk to the stable supply of food, pharmaceuticals, and medicals, which worries the members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE).

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New study confirms environmental benefits of using pouches for some food products

A life cycle assessment study, carried out by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu), shows flexible pouches are better packaging options, in terms of environmental performance, for olives and pasta sauce.

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