Press releases

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Flexible packaging manufacturers are optimistic for the future

The members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) met for their annual summer conference in June, this time in Copenhagen. After an economically challenging 2023, the industry is cautiously optimistic about the future and is forecasting moderate growth for 2024.

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First "European Flexpack Summit" to take place in early 2025

Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE), the association of flexible packaging manufacturers, is organising the first "European FlexPack Summit" for 2025.

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European Parliament’s vote on PPWR is a step forward to encourage resource efficient packaging and boost packaging circularity

Today, the European Parliament approved the provisional EU agreement on the Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste (PPWR). Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE), representing flexible packaging suppliers across materials, welcomes this important step forward in the legislative process.

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Council sets ambitious targets for recycling at scale of flexible packaging but fails ensuring enabling conditions

Today, the Environment Council voted on a General Approach on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal. “After the vote in the European Parliament, we are glad to see the file making concrete progress also in the Council” states Guido Aufdemkamp, Executive Director of Flexible Packaging Europe.

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Officers re-elected to serve another term in 2023/5 at Flexible Packaging Europe

At its summer conference, held this year in Thessaloniki, the members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) re-elected Jakob A. Mosser to the Chair. He was first elected in 2020. Also continuing their terms of office are Vice-Chairs Michele Guala and Michael Zacka.

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